Bug Blog

How To Respond To A Swarm Of Honey Bees

How To Respond To A Swarm Of Honey Bees

When we encounter bees during the summer months we typically react with fright, and with good reason. Bees are territorial, and anyone in their vicinity will be considered a threat. Bee stings are not just painful either; they can also be deadly, even for those who are not allergic to their stings. Obviously being attacked by multiple bees greatly increases the chances of death. But it is not always clear how an individual should respond when encountering a colony of bees.

Some people are under the impression that it is best to stand in one spot when surrounded by bees. However, standing in one place while frantically attempting to swat nearby bees is certainly not the best way to avoid bee related injuries. Instead do what your instinct tells you, and run! By standing motionless in one place during a bee attack, bees are given plenty of time to recruit other bees from the colony. It does not take long for an entire colony of bees to reach a potential victim.

If you should ever find yourself being pursued by a mob of aggressive bees, then try to locate bushes or other tight spaces where you could possibly obscure yourself. Of course, locating a shelter of some kind is ideal for avoiding bee-swarms, but if you cannot find shelter, then continue running. Eventually bees will give up their pursuit. But remember, bees can travel an entire half mile before giving up on a potential victim.

Finding refuge under the surface of water will not keep you guarded from bee-swarms. Actually, this method only works for as long as you can hold your breath. Although the movies may tell a different story, plenty of people have reported that bees will linger above water, and sting victims when they surface, even if it is for just a second. Also, if you should sustain bee stings in the future, then be sure to remove the stingers from your skin after you have secured a safe haven. This is important because the venom-sac is still attached and can continue to inject venom into your body. Honeybees are the only stinging insects that detach their stingers after penetration.

Have you ever sustained multiple bee stings within a public area?




