Bug Blog

On the Radar: Common Pests of March

Scorpions – The Desert’s Night Stalkers

Known for their stealth and potent stings, scorpions are an unwanted visitor in any home. They’re drawn to indoor spaces for moisture and shelter, making the lowland deserts of the American Southwest a perfect habitat. To keep these nocturnal hunters at bay, it’s crucial to seal any cracks or entry points around your home and reduce their attraction with dehydration measures.

Termites – The Silent Destroyers

Termites are a major concern for Tucson homeowners due to the year-round warm climate. They can cause extensive structural damage before you even know they’re there. Vigilance is key – ensure you have a termite inspection regularly, and keep wood or mulch away from the foundation of your home to reduce potential infestation sites.

Ants – The Persistent Foragers

With their intricate societies and keen sense of scent, ants are a formidable pest. In March, as they gear up for high activity, it’s important to block their entryways with natural deterrents like peppermint oil, boric acid, or diatomaceous earth. Watch out for their telltale trails and act swiftly to repel them.

Pest-Proofing Your Home

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home for any potential openings that pests could use to invade your space. Cracks in walls, doors that don’t seal properly, and gaps around windows are common entry points for pests. Use caulk to seal these spaces and prevent unwanted access.

Proper Home Maintenance

Keeping a clean, well-maintained home can go a long way in preventing pest infestations. Regular cleaning, especially in hidden or less frequently visited areas, and keeping a neutral humidity level can dissuade pests from taking up residence.

Reduce Clutter

Clutter provides numerous hiding spots for pests and can make it difficult to notice an infestation until it’s a full-blown issue. Keep your living spaces tidy and consider reducing clutter in basements, attics, and garages where pests often hide.

