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Do Not Remove Termite Mud Tubes Yourself | Termite Control Tucson

Do Not Remove Termite Mud Tubes Yourself | Termite Control Tucson

For those of you who are homeowners, termite infestations may be a frequent concern. Of course natural disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes can do a number on your property as well. But new homeowners are more apt to concentrate on the possibility of natural disasters instead of termite infestations when choosing an insurance plan. Since many insurance companies do not focus on termite related damages, some homeowners assume that termites are not much of a threat. If inexperienced homeowners find signs of a termite presence on their property, they may attempt to remove the termite presence themselves without the assistance of a professional. For example, subterranean termites are the most damaging termites in the United States. These termites create mud tubes that lead into people’s homes. These mud tubes are the most common signs of termite activity. Some homeowners may believe that destroying these mud tubes means preventing an infestation. In many of these cases, homeowners will not bother with contacting a pest control professional, especially if the mud tubes never reappear in the same location. You should not be surprised to learn that removing mud tubes on your own and without professional assistance is a bad idea.

If you happen to find mud tubes on your property, then never remove them yourself, even if you plan on contacting a pest control professional later on. Once a mud tube is destroyed, termites have no problem creating another. The problem is that another mud tube may appear in a new location that is hard to find, even for a professional. There is also no way of telling if a homeowner has destroyed the only mud tube that exists on his/her property. Sometimes, after a mud tube is destroyed, termites may continue to inhabit property under the ground, but they will wait before building another mud tube to be cautious. This could cause termites to return long after a termite inspection. If you find a mud tube on your property, then be sure to contact a pest control professional immediately.

Have you ever discovered a mud tube on anybody’s property before? If you have, did you destroy the mud tubes?

