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How To Know If The Scorpions You Encounter Are Dangerous

It could be said that scorpions are not typically associated with spiders. However, scorpions, contrary to what many people may think, are technically arachnids, and not insects. Scorpions are also more abundant and diverse than most people assume. All scorpions possess the same classic features. For example, most scorpion species possess lobster-like pincers, as well as a tail that wields a fierce-looking stinger. If you have seen one scorpion, then you have seen them all, at least this is what it seems like. However, there are actually around 2,000 species of scorpion in the world, and obviously, some are more dangerous to humans than others. It can be hard to discern scorpion species, but doing so is important, as knowing how to spot a dangerous scorpion species can, perhaps, save your life one day.Scorpion Control

On the surface, it may seem as though scorpions have little in common with other arachnid species. But much like the arachnids we are all familiar with, scorpions possess eight legs and eight eyes. It goes without saying that scorpions are notorious for their venomous stings. Luckily, the vast majority of people alive today will never encounter a deadly scorpion species. Of the 2,000 scorpion species that are currently documented, only 30 to 40 species possess venom that can actually kill a human. Most venomous scorpion species belong to the genus known as Buthidae. Scorpions that are a part of this family possess noticeably thick tails as well as slender pincers. The most dangerous scorpions may surprise people due to their normal size, as most people probably assume that the most dangerous scorpions are the ones that are super-sized. All scorpion species measure somewhere between seven and twenty centimeters in length, and like many arachnid species, scorpions do not have the best eyesight, despite their four sets of eyes. As it turns out, scorpions do not need to have accurate eyesight, as they possess a unique sensory organ that is commonly known as “comb organs,” or pectines, as they are officially named. This organ resembles a typical comb, and it is located on the underside of a scorpion’s abdomen. These hair-like organs sense important information concerning a scorpion’s surroundings, such as available food sources and nearby mates and predators. If you ever encounter a scorpion species in the wild, it is best to avoid approaching the creatures.

Have you ever encountered a scorpion that you believe possessed a potentially deadly form of venom?

