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Now that is a termite infestation! | Tucson Termite Control

Now that is a termite infestation!

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of your ceiling collapsing right on top of you. Now, if that image isn’t bad enough, add to the image thousands of termites which are to blame for the collapse falling into to bed with you.

This scenario happened recently to an elderly woman. Plaster and wood pinned her to her bed and trapped her from the waist down. Thankfully she had a call alert button so ambulance crews were able to rescue her with minimal human harm. That cannot be said for her home. One pest control company calling this situation one of the worst infestations he had ever seen.

A total infestation can happen in no time. Most people get their houses inspected regularly by a reliable pest control company. However in this case, the woman had not had her home inspected since her husband died a few years previously. Even though she is surrounded by friends and loved ones, no one thought to look for this sort of thing.

The damage caused is extensive and will not be covered by her homeowners insurance. Most insurances companies do not cover termite damage. The most important thing to keep in mind is you don’t know until it’s too late. Preventing through inspection and early treatment is the only deterrent.

For more information on termites, please click here.

