Bug Blog

Should You Be Worried About A House Centipede Infestation?

House centipedes are never a pleasant sight, and if you have one crawling around, odds are that there are more around the home. But should you be concerned about a centipede infestation, and if so, how concerned should you be? Let’s find out.

The characteristics of a house centipede

House centipedes are about two inches in length, with 15 pairs of legs when they are fully grown. They will reach maturity in three years and live up to seven years if the conditions are right. When indoors, house centipedes like to set up in bathrooms and basements – basically anywhere they can find high levels of moisture. Outdoors, they live in brush, wood piles, and mulch when they are near the home. In terms of coloration they are yellow-gray, with dark stripes on their body and legs.

When to be concerned

Generally, house centipedes are not very dangerous insects. They do not carry diseases, their sting is very weak and they rarely sting people. They also do not damage the home. However, they can be quite unsightly, and they can reach a large number in the home during an infestation. The last thing you want, especially if you do not like these insects, is to have them running all over the house.

Effective treatment options

Centipedes can be controlled in a variety of ways. To start, you can use repellents and insecticides on gaps and cracks in the walls, in order to prevent more from entering the home. You can also reduce the moisture in the home by fixing leaks and dehumidifying areas of the home that are high in moisture. Make sure that you also reduce the clutter in the home so that centipedes do not have anywhere to hide and shelter indoors.

Getting rid of the centipedes themselves can be done with insecticides or by vacuuming them up and throwing away the bag. However, since they run and hide as soon as you turn on the light, they can be hard to get rid of. A pest control specialist can help you out by making sure that the insects are rooted out and removed completely from the home. If you would like to know more, or if you need some extra help to get rid of the infestation, contact us today and we can set up an appointment as soon as possible.

