Bug Blog

Brown Recluse Spiders: Identification and Prevention

When it comes to poisonous spiders, the tiny Brown Recluse, native to North America, can give you chill to the bone marrow as they have a powerful poison. Yes! That’s right.

Brown recluse spiders are sometimes called a “fiddle-back spider” or “the violin spider” due to their dark, violin-shaped patch behind their heads. This mark is difficult to spot as the spider is miniature in size. But do not let the size of this spider overshadow its threat. This tiny spider is infamous as the most venomous spider in the United States.

That said, not all brown spiders are recluse so keeping them away from your house and staying safe from their bite depends on how well you can identify them.

So how do you identify this deadly spider?  The answer lies in this blog.

Read on to learn more about brown recluse spiders.

What are Brown Recluse Spiders?

Brown recluse spiders are shy, solitary, and venomous spiders. Brown recluse spiders are named so because they are loners. They avoid humans and prefer to hide in isolated places, and are known for their secretive behavior.

Brown recluse spiders are dangerous and are found mostly in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States. They often sneak into yards and basements to take shelter in warm, dry, and dark settings, perfect for their living. They prefer to live outdoors and are typically found outside around rocks, woodpiles, under bark, etc. Inside the home, you can spot brown recluse spiders in undisturbed spaces.

They are nocturnal hunters and are most active at night. They can survive without food for months. Brown recluses normally feed upon nuisance insects, like flies and mosquitoes.

These spiders are non-aggressive. They do not bite on purpose but as an act of defense. Although the chances to harm you are thin, they won’t hesitate to bite if they feel threatened.

Identifying the Brown Recluse Spider

Listed below are some top identifiers of Brown Recluse:

  • The first and the most striking indicator is their violin shape on the cephalothorax.
  • They are a tiny arachnid about half an inch in length, almost the size of a quarter. The adult brown recluse spiders are a little longer, around 1/4 to 1/2 inches in length.
  • They are mono-colored. However, the shades of color may vary from dull yellow to dark brown.
  • The legs are monocolored, usually light with no bands or stripes,
  • The brown recluse has only six, arranged in three pairs, one pair in the middle and the rest on either side of the head.
  • Brown recluse spiders do not possess spines but are covered in fine short hairs.


Brown recluse bite when they feel threatened or get trapped in clothing, shoes, or another tight spot. However, the effect of the bite depends on the venom amount and skin sensitivity of the victim. Children and the elderly are at more risk for serious consequences. The bite of a brown recluse can be extremely painful. An ulcerating sore is developed around the spot that can expand without proper treatment. Therefore, one should always seek immediate medical help.

Prevention Tips

If you want to keep these creepy crawlies away from your home, here are the top four tips that can prevent brown recluse spider infestation:

  • Inspect the secluded places of Your Home for Signs of Spiders and look for webbings.
  • Look for possible entry points that can give access to brown recluse spiders and seal all cracks and crevices
  • Eliminate favorable Living Conditions for Brown Recluse Spiders by removing clutter from every room.
  • Trim the large bushes, shrubs, and plants outside that are close to your home and foundation.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, brown recluse spiders are venomous and considered a dangerous pest. A brown recluse infestation in your home can cause some serious trouble. But, there is no need to panic. You can always try the aforementioned tips. If you find a brown recluse in your home, seek the help of professional pest control services to drive the spiders away from your property.


