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What You Need to Know About Roof Rats and How to Get Rid of Them

If you’re a homeowner, seeing a weird rat-like creature scurrying around your attic may be cause for alarm. But don’t panic just yet! Before you start calling the nearest pest control company, it’s important to understand what kind of rodent has invaded your home. In most cases, these creatures are roof rats. Let’s take a look at their behavior and how to identify an infestation so that you can make an informed decision on how best to remove them from your property.

What is a Roof Rat?

Roof rats, also known as black rats or ship rats, are common pests in many parts of the world. They typically measure about 16 inches long (including their tail) and have grayish-brown fur with white bellies. Their feet and tails are hairless and they have large ears that help them detect potential threats. They’re good climbers—hence the name “roof rat”—and they often nest in attics or high places like tree branches or roofs.

Signs of Roof Rat Infestation

If you suspect that roof rats have moved into your home, there are several signs you can look for to confirm your suspicions. One obvious sign is droppings—roof rats leave small black droppings behind when they move through an area. Other signs include gnawed holes in walls and floors, scratched surfaces, greasy marks where they rub against walls or objects (due to their oily fur), urine stains, and nests made out of shredded paper or cloth materials.

Why Hire A Professional?

Once you’ve identified the presence of roof rats in your home, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible before they cause more damage—not only do they contaminate food sources with their feces and urine but they can also spread diseases like plague and salmonellosis through contact with humans or other animals. It’s highly recommended that homeowners hire professional pest control services rather than attempting DIY methods; this ensures that all access points for the rodents are properly sealed off so no further infestations occur down the line. Professional pest control services also use humane traps or poisons that won’t harm children or pets living in the house.

Roof rats can be frightening if you come across one unexpectedly but knowing what kind of rodent has invaded your home will help put your mind at ease when it comes time to address the problem head-on. Be sure to keep an eye out for signs such as droppings and gnaw marks; once you identify an infestation, hire professional pest control services right away so that all access points are properly sealed off and any remaining rodents are safely removed from property without causing harm to anyone living there. Doing so will ensure that no further roof rat issues crop up again down the line!

