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Protecting Your Family and Home from Field Mice

Field mice are a common problem for homeowners in Tucson, Arizona. Not only do they cause property damage, but they can spread dangerous diseases to both humans and pets. That’s why it’s important to take the necessary steps to prevent and control field mice infestations. Here, we’ll provide you with an overview of how you can protect your family and home from mice and why partnering with Arizona Pest Control is the best way to do so.

How To Prevent Field Mice In Tucson

The first step in protecting your family and home from field mice is understanding their behavior. Knowing where they like to hide and what attracts them are key components of a successful prevention plan. Here are some tips on how to keep mice out of your home:

• Seal entry points into your home – This includes small crevices, cracks, or holes around windows, doors, or other openings on the exterior of your home. Make sure that all screens are properly fitted and that windows close tightly.

• Remove food sources – Keep kitchen counters free of crumbs, store food items in airtight containers, and make sure garbage cans have tight-fitting lids.

• Eliminate nesting spots – Mice love dark places so make sure you clean up any clutter around your yard or inside the garage or attic that might give them a place to hide.

• Use essential oils – Natural remedies like peppermint oil can be used as a deterrent for rodents due to their strong smell. Put some drops on cotton balls and place them near potential entry points into your home such as vents or cracks in the walls.

Why Partner With Arizona Pest Control?

Partnering with Arizona Pest Control is the best way to protect your family and home from field mice because we have over 30 years of experience dealing with rodent infestations in Southern Arizona. We use proven methods such as trapping & baiting services that eliminate infestations quickly & effectively while also helping deter future infestations from happening again. Our technicians offer professional advice on how you can keep preventative measures in place so that you don’t have to worry about rodents invading your space ever again! Plus, we provide free estimates so you know exactly what services will cost before signing up for anything! Visit www.azpest.com today for more information or call us at (520) 886-7378 if you have any questions!

Conclusion: Rats & mice are a common problem in Tucson but there are several steps you can take to help prevent them from entering into your home. Additionally, partnering with Arizona Pest Control is the best way to ensure long-term protection against these pests by utilizing our proven methods such as trapping & baiting services along with our team’s professional advice on keeping preventive measures in place! Don’t wait until it’s too late; get a free estimate today at www.azpest.com or call (520) 886-7378 if you have any questions! Protect yourself & your family from rats & mice today!

