Bug Blog

Don’t Let Pests Crash Your Labor Day Party!

  • Prior to the party, check screen doors and repair any holes. Once the guests have arrived, remind them to shut the door behind them to keep pests from entering the home.
  • Have plenty of insect repellant containing an EPA-registered active ingredient like DEET or picaridin for you and your guests.
  • Yellowjackets and other stinging insects are attracted to sweet-smelling fragrances. Avoid using excessive perfume or cologne, and opt for unscented lotions and sunscreen.
  • Provide clear plastic cups for your guests, as aluminum cans are good hiding spots for stinging insects.
  • Adorn your deck or patio with citronella candles that can help minimize the presence of mosquitoes.
  • Plan to serve food and beverages indoors, and reserve outdoor space for eating and entertaining.
  • Clean spills and crumbs immediately from tables and other surfaces.
  • Dispose of trash in tightly closed garbage containers located away from guests.
  • Bring utensils and dishware indoors shortly after the meal.


